

Well....I Have a lil sumthin a wanna get off my chest.....i kno this girl with whom i used to be good friends withh but shes a consistent hater.....she doesnt kno how to keep my name outta her mouth and shes always trying to bad mouth me at every turn.....so one day i said to my self that i wanst gonna let it slide anymore for i had been letting it slide for months.....always bad mouthing me and people that i hold dear......so on one of her rampages she begins to talk abt me and my cousin....as i watched her go offi sed to my self enough is enough and let her kno that her constant negative actions will not be tolerated and i let her kno abt herself....but this had no effect on her and she continued into the following day.....that is when i lost control of my hands and fingers and very discreetly let her kno in a text message that im wasnt playing .....now i got very disrespectful and very nasty in the text and said some things that i shouldnt have but do i give a fuck.....no i dont....and i will not apologize nor will i ever speak to her again because i have too much pride to give this bitch the satisfaction of getting my apology.....am i wrong?