
"I Spent it All on Clothes With Logos"

Alot of people ask me why i dnt wear polo....i dnt have anything against polo or any of those big name brands but i think that thats just not for me.....i dnt wear polo,gucci,prada,louie,etc... the list goes on....because people judge you based on what you wear....when you have on these brands people automatically assume your "flyy"....now i consider my self "flyy" for reasons other than the clothes i wear and the kicks i rock....im flyy just for all that i am and all that i possess....being flyy is more than just your outward appearance in my opinion......im flyy for the way i talk, the way i walk, the way my jeans and pants just sagg slightly, the way my hands move when i talk, the way i sign the back of my checks before i deposit them, the way i cook, the way i eat, the way i sleep and the way i shitt i feel like im flyy for all that i am and all that im not......

- "everything im not made me everything i am"