To Whom It may Concern...
Well For Those who Dnt Kno....I recently Lost my Jobb and The Hunt has Been Less then Successfull.....But Im Keeping My hopes Upp and Hopefully i'll Find Sumthin Soon Cuz The combination Of Being Home all The Time....having To Constantly clean Upp After a Bunch of Slobs....Dealing with my Mother 24/7/365 and having my pockets on slimm to none isnt Helping My stress Level Either....but a Word to Wise....keep Your Hopes Up beacuse The More You think About How Bad Your life may be The Worse It'll Become......Trust Mee
i Was gone BUt now iM Back!!!
I kno Ive Been Mia For A lil minute and I kno Ive been Greatly Missed But Now Im Backk........And What!
Quote Of My Life
You Can Picture Yourself as My Wife Or Not......Im Married To My Money My Clothes and Hip hop
Air Max 24-7!!!!!
Now For all Those Who Know mE....You Guys Know i Dont Duck Wit Air Maxes Like That......But These First Caught My Eye a Few Months Back When i Spotted Them On the Feet of Wale....These Are Soooo Fuckiin Tough and a Definate Copp....in my Opinion Nike and JB (jordan brand in lamens) havent really been droppin heat like they used to But These and a Feww Others Are well Deserved Exceptions....

My Darling Baby!
Retro Alert!!!!
Jaguar XKL!
I feel like I wasnt Born I Was Created...That There is A greater Purpose For Me Than That which i Serve Now....and I Will Pursue Itt
Its Going Down Like Young Joc!!!
Now Imma Big FoamDome......(foamposite fanatic in lamens terms)......but these dont do the foamposite model any justice.....they need to drop the varsity reds, varsity blues, and the black on blacks.....then i'll be in love....but thats another post lol...... anyways these joints already dropped in the summer of o7' the biggest difference from that model is the the sole that is now a translucent redd instead of a solid color.....these are at the bottom of my foam list but heres a look for all those who might like them....

Varsity Reds UPDATE!
"I Spent it All on Clothes With Logos"
Alot of people ask me why i dnt wear polo....i dnt have anything against polo or any of those big name brands but i think that thats just not for me.....i dnt wear polo,gucci,prad
a,louie,etc... the list goes on....because people judge you based on what you wear....when you have on these brands people automatically assume your "flyy"....now i consider my self "flyy" for reasons other than the clothes i wear and the kicks i rock....im flyy just for all that i am and all that i possess....being flyy is more than just your outward appearance in my opinion......im flyy for the way i talk, the way i walk, the way my jeans and pants just sagg slightly, the way my hands move when i talk, the way i sign the back of my checks before i deposit them, the way i cook, the way i eat, the way i sleep and
the way i shitt i feel like im flyy for all that i am and all that im not......

- "everything im not made me everything i am"
Makes You Thinkk...
I love College...
Double Trouble...
now let me tell you how i feel abt sneakers.....first off i love them......second off i wear them....now im not the guy who stands in line, camps out in front of a store for 36 hours waiting for a midnite release, nor am i the guy who will buy a pair of kicks and put them inna glass case to show them off......i love my sneakers and i pay good money that worked hard for so im gonna wear mine.....im not a flipper (someone who buys kicks and sells them at above retail prices just to make a profit......these people digust me)......i am not a junkie......when i do see sumthing i like i do make it my business to buy it.....lol.....but on a serious side dnt take my
posts abt my kicks as showing off.....im just hopin that you will enjoy the sight of some exclusive kicks just like i do.....i just want to share them with you even tho i cant "share" them with you

Sumthin I saw Crusin this Thing we Call the Internet......its a 9mm Glock pistol thats wrapped in indan rupees.....the glock is the most widely circulated handgun in the modern world and india has the highest population in world.....i think its a good symbol of money and power
- Tell me what you think...
More Love...
Here is a poem for all You Lovers out there......i find this one to be particularly true
Your Name
"i Wrote Your name in the Sky
But the wind Blew it away
i Wrote your Name in the Sand
But the Waves Washed it away
i Wrote You name In My Heart
and Forever it Shall Stay"
Kick Game...
Well I was At a party the other nightt.....and i seen dude wearing the same kicks as mee.....and i looked him head to toe and boy was i disappointed....as i have always sed...."just beacause you can afford it that doesnt mean you have to buy itt"......leave it upp the pros brother lol
New Dayy...
Well Today i had and epiphany....Im Sick and tired of trying to be somebody's friend all the damn time.....al i ever do is try and be the best friend that i could be to certain people and all they ever do is throw my hospitality out the fucking window......well srry mama but im done with it.....im on some i dnt give a fuck shit when it comes to certain people.....i could really care less.....you say this and you say that but your doing completely different things and i dnt have time for it......so have a nice lifee and i hope you suceed in all that you do but im done with you....
- Just Had To Get That Off My Chest
- Just Had To Get That Off My Chest
Here and Now...
Well.....i got off of work an hour early and i was feeling good abt it......but for some strange reason im feeling mad lonely......idk why it was just like a sudden feeling.....maybe it'll pass but idk i feel as though everyone and everything has pulled away from me.....like i have no cluee why.......kinda sorta in i am legend when all will smith had was his dogg (well until he died of course)........all i have is my blogg to keep me company.....but onna sidenote.....one of my good friends brittany robinson is home from college for her spring break and ive missed her so.....but thats all for now....or as the french say it "au revoir"
The Famm...
Yo On Sum Real Shitt......These two people are my best friends.......I would Do anyting For them.......Real Talk
SoHo Floww...
Bitches Yo...
Well.....sumone i used to talk to is acting madd funnystyle towards mee.....now im not the type to give two fucks abt a bitch who im not commited to......but this girl i really had feelings for.....it just so happend that things didnt wrk out like we all planned and im happy i made the decision that i did cuz i see the type of person she is no matter how many times she told me shes not that type of person......shes mad because i didnt drop all that i was doiing and go run to be with her......WELL SORRY MAMA!......but you werent doing nearly enough to make me see you as the better decision......your loss i suppose......but life goes on.......oh yeah and shes trying to flaunt her new "boo" in my face and when i look at himm i grin and think......"this muthafucka aint got shitt on me.....lol"
I Pay in upwards of 10,000 dollars in school and school related costs every year.....and yet this is what i have to deal withh when i go to my school library to gett a lil study on.....
C'Mon Son!!!! Get Ya Shitt Together York College
On My DIY Shitt!
But On A Lighter note i bought some paint and supplies from home depot today.....so the renovation on my room will begin soon enough....and pics are sure to come.....so hold out guys and you'll be sweetly rewarded
Here are my thoughts on Love....
I believe that love is forever.....it believe that it never ends but it can be lost due to circumstance......and with that loss comes the oppourtunity for another love to be gained because with the loss of sumthing comes the chance to find sumthing new......my favorite love song is So High by john legend.....it really encompasses how i feel abt love and everything attached to it.....love is when your taken to new heights and places that you could have never thought possible.....to love is have the courage to stand alone in front of an army of hate and negativity.....to love is to have the strength to overcome what ever differences you may have to better the both of you.....because when your in love your no longer just a single person your part a whole......and you cant just think abt yourself when your love you must think of your partner......to love is to love simple as thatt
I believe that love is forever.....it believe that it never ends but it can be lost due to circumstance......and with that loss comes the oppourtunity for another love to be gained because with the loss of sumthing comes the chance to find sumthing new......my favorite love song is So High by john legend.....it really encompasses how i feel abt love and everything attached to it.....love is when your taken to new heights and places that you could have never thought possible.....to love is have the courage to stand alone in front of an army of hate and negativity.....to love is to have the strength to overcome what ever differences you may have to better the both of you.....because when your in love your no longer just a single person your part a whole......and you cant just think abt yourself when your love you must think of your partner......to love is to love simple as thatt
Well....I Have a lil sumthin a wanna get off my chest.....i kno this girl with whom i used to be good friends withh but shes a consistent hater.....she doesnt kno how to keep my name outta her mouth and shes always trying to bad mouth me at every turn.....so one day i said to my self that i wanst gonna let it slide anymore for i had been letting it slide for months.....always bad mouthing me and people that i hold dear......so on one of her rampages she begins to talk abt me and my cousin....as i watched her go offi sed to my self enough is enough and let her kno that her constant negative actions will not be tolerated and i let her kno abt herself....but this had no effect on her and she continued into the following day.....that is when i lost control of my hands and fingers and very discreetly let her kno in a text message that im wasnt playing .....now i got very disrespectful and very nasty in the text and said some things that i shouldnt have but do i give a fuck.....no i dont....and i will not apologize nor will i ever speak to her again because i have too much pride to give this bitch the satisfaction of getting my apology.....am i wrong?
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